Mission and Objectives

To struggle for producing devoted and dedicated teachers, where an achievement, based on safety of culture, religion, quality, equality and resilience is ensured.
To provide opportunity to the students to explore their hidden potentialities through practical motivating activities
To prompt the faculty to nurture the students regularly, through the provision of modern educational techniques, in a facilitating mod
To continuously involve the parents, administration and community in supporting and upgrading the quality of learning towards the holistic development of students’ personalities.
The Department’s mission is to prepare learner-sensitive educators with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to contribute to a better society.
1: Assessment - Students will understand and apply foundational knowledge and skill in the identification and diagnostic study of individual students in a non-biased, reliable and valid manner.
2: Intervention - Students will acquire knowledge and skill in evidence-based individual, group, and school level remediation strategies, interventions, and psycho-educational program planning.
3: Consultation - Students will demonstrate knowledge of consultation and supervision models and skills to effectively serve as consultants to teachers, parents and other educational personnel on matters related to the education and mental health of children and adolescents to insure the most appropriate education program.
4: Research and Inquiry - Students will be able to review, apply, conceptualize/design and carry out research that enhances the knowledge base and the professional practice of educational institution’s psychology.
5: Ethical, Social and Professionally Responsible Practice - Students will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of state, federal and setting-specific laws and policies; ethical and practice standards of APA and NASP; and use appropriate decision making strategies in training and professional contexts.